Saturday, February 23, 2008

[Part A]

On the every month of Syawal in the muslim calender, all muslims throughout the world celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri which is also known as Hari Raya Puasa. But before we celebrate this joyful festival, we have to fast for one month which is called the month of Ramadhan. We have to survive a day, from dawn to dusk, without eating or drinking. During this month too, we have to refrain ourselves from behaving badly, such as using vulgarities etc.

During the eve of this festival, my mum, and my maid will begin to prepare the dishes for the next day as my paternal relatives will be coming to visit my grandmother who is staying at my house. It is customary for the relatives to visit the older family members first, which in this case is my grandmother. Anyway, the dishes are Rendang, Lontong, Sambal goreng and etc. On the next morning, we are to go to the mosque to do our prayers whuch will probably start around 8.15 and end around 9.30 or so. After that, we return home and we will get ready; putting on our Baju Kurung! (: Every year its a different colour as suggested by my relatives in my maternal side. From 10.30am onwards, relatives from my paternal side will start visiting. Also, it is tradition that the older generation and/or the people who have worked, should give the younger generation money. So i am proud to say that i am one of those who gets the money (: Before each family leaves, we will go up to each person seeking for forgiveness. Usually the younger ones will seek to the older ones first.

At noon or at about 1pm, me, my mum and my two younger siblings will head to my maternal great-grandfather's house. Upon reaching there, my other relatives would have reached there already and we would join them while they are eating, talking or playing (for the younger generation). After everyone has arrived, we would all line up to seek forgiveness from the older generation - from my great-grandfather to the first generation, second generation and then third generation, where i fall in to. But usually, us third generation people will be blur. (: After all the crying and "drama", the third generation and some of the second generation people will be distributed with the Hari Raya money. I would always get more as i am the oldest of the third generation. Hehe (: Then comes the best part, the phototaking session! It is a tradition for my family to take photos for every joyful event that we celebrate. We would spent about and hour or more just taking pictures and chilling out, talking about the latest news/gossips etc. But the most important part is that we bond. (:

After all these, my family along with my grandparents(mum's parents) and aunt(mum's sis), we would head to their house as there would be more people coming - relatives from my grandfather's side. Meaning i would meet up with my dear cousins who are older than me. (: I would spent most of the time there not helping my mum and aunt prepare the food but instead chit-chatting with my cousins which i seldom get to meet. Its all for a good cause right? (: Anyway, the same things would happen here like seeking for forgiveness, phototaking sessions and of course getting of the "duit raya"! (:

But i think the most important thing of Hari Raya Aidilfitri is the bonding spirit we have with our family and relatives. To me, strong family relationships are important as without family, we would not be who we are now. Eventhough we argue, we would still be able to work it out in the end and this is the uniqueness of a strong family relationship. I am very greatful that i have wonderful family memebers and relatives who will support me and i have my back, and i know they have mine too. I respect and cherish my family relationship, and i think it is the number one thing everyone has to treasure! :D

And these are two pictures of my maternal relatives (:

second and third generations

my family - without my uncle and two other cousins (:

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